Smart Process & Control LTD

Bundle: SDM120CT-MOD-MID & Split Core Current Transformer

SKU: SDM120-CT-MOD-MID-Bundle-T24-100/5A

£85.50 £95

Excluding VAT. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Product Features: 

Meter Information:

  • Single Phase 5A current transformer operated
  • MID Certified (B and D)
  • Bi-directional measurement for kW and kWh
  • Configurable pulsed output (Import, Export, Nett kWh)
  • RS485 Modbus Communications
  • Multi Parameter measurements
  • Simple set up and operation

CT Information:

  • Split Core 
  • 100-250A (24mm Aperture) 300-600A (36mm Aperture)
  • 5A Secondary Current
  • 1m Fly Lead (2.5mm Wire) 
  • Accuracy Class 1 

This bundle includes the Eastron SDM120-CT-MOD-MID and the Eastron T24 Current Transformer (1 of each)

You will need to confirm what Current Transformer ratio you require before checkout, as per the options section below.

Meter Details:

Click Here For Product Datasheet

Click Here For User Manual

Click Here For Product Protocol

CT Details:

Click Here For Product Datasheet

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